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Structural Features of Sliding Shoe Bearing of Ball Mill
Sometimes the ball mill does not use common main bearing supporting on one side or two sides, but use sliding shoe bearing. The shoe-mounted ball mill operates on the slipper through the tyre bearing fixed on the cylinder of the mill. This paper will mainly deal with the structural features of the sliding shoe bearing of the ball mill.
(1) The slippers supporting the mill tyre can be two, three or four, for this reason, its structure is not only suitable for medium and small-sized grinding mill and not limited by the specifications, but suitable for being used in super large grinding mills.
(2) When adopting the sliding shoe bearing structure, it will be not necessary to install grinding head or main bearing which are easy to wear and tear, so that the operation is relatively safe, and the length of the grinding mill is shortened, especially the feeding end of the grinding mill is obviously shortened a lot, for this reason, the coverage size is decreased.
(3) As for a grinding mill integrated with drying and grinding, the sectional area of the feeding mouth will not be limited by the hollow shaft, as a result of which, the workers can more reasonably design the feeding mouth and it is conducive for the ground materials and hot air to going through and the ventilation resistance is reduced.
(4) Since the distance of the two bearings of the grinding mill is shortened, the bending moment and the stress of the mill cylinder are relevantly decreased. For this reason, the thickness of the steel plate of the grinding mill can be made thinner. Especially for the grinding mill integrated with drying and grinding, the cylinder of the drying cabin can use thinner steel plate, thus decreasing the weight of the mill.
(5) The linear speed of the tyre is much higher than the hollow shaft neck, which is conducive to forming lubricating oil film.
Since the sliding shoe bearing has strict requirement for the working accuracy and roughness of the tyre and sliding tile, the production cost is much higher than that of the grinding mill using main bearing supporting. In addition, the structure and maintenance of the sliding shoe bearing are complicated, and once there is malfunction in one link, it is necessary to timely figure out and repair it, otherwise it will influence the normal operation of the whole grinding system.
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